Daily Archives: September 1, 2011

My excuse is…Post 17

I would like to start off by saying that I rarely make excuses but tonight I feel like I have a fabulous one for my posts being random the last few days!! My excuse is this… the Hunger Game series is sucking me in and I can’t stop reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My normal blogging time is at night when the house is quiet and my mind can think BUT the book just sits there saying “Katie read me, read me!!!!” So I do what any normal person would do and read it!!! I am currently reading the second book of the series titled “Catching Fire” which is the perfect title for this book! I am about 100 pages away from finishing it and I will be purchasing the third book “Mockingjay” tomorrow!!!! Yes these books are young adult reads and yes I am almost thirty and NO I am not ashamed to admit that I read them! 🙂 and have read the “Twilight” series as well!! I have never been a person who is a big reader, in fact during most of high school and college I was the person who was reading the shortest version of anything I had to read! But I made it through both high school and college so I think that turned out in my favor 🙂 Anyways that is all for tonight because I must get back to reading because Catching fire is literally staring at me 🙂

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